This week at Explore Church we are starting a five week series entitled “My Explore.” During this series we will answer questions such as: “What is church and what is its mission?”; “How should a church be lead?”; “How should a church function?”; “What is my responsibility to the church?” and “Why does membership matter?”
To get ahead, consider reading the following passages from the Bible:
Week 1—Jeremiah 29:4-14
Week 2—1Timothy 3:1-13
Week 3—Acts 2:42-47
Week 4—1Corinthians 12:12-31
Week 5—2Corinthians 5:1-13
For additional reading on the church, I recommend the following books:
Total Church by Chester and Timmis speaks into the mission and responsibility of the church.

Biblical Eldership by Strauch provides helpful insight as to how the local church should be lead.

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church points out nine crucial qualities that are often neglected by many of today's churches. It is necessary that these qualitites be recaptured for the sake of the church.

Stott is one of my favorite authors. In The Living Church, he considers the essentials of God's vision for His church.

Vintage Church Driscoll and Breshears provide a great contemporary overview of the church. They address many of the challenges facing the church today. Well written.

Grudem is a great writer and has a knack for making the complex understandable. His section on the doctrine of the church is extremely helpful.
Also, be aware that we are offering a “Burst Class” to supplement the Sunday Morning sermons. Each Wednesday night during the series, Pastor Rick Gutierrez will be teaching on the topics listed above and will also allow for some question and answer time. The class will start and 7PM and finish up at 8PM.