Here are the 12 Lessons on temptation that I mentioned at the end of my sermon on Luke 4:1-13. I will give expanded thoughts on these lessons during the week.
- Temptation is not a sin.
- In Christ you can overcome temptation (1Cor 10:13; Jas 4:7).
- Temptation is customized (Jas 1:14).
- Temptation is usually mixed with an element of truth.
- Temptation often comes when we are vulnerable (tired, hungry, alone).
- Temptation is designed to make you doubt God's Word.
- Temptation always hides the consequences ("show the bait, hide the hook").
- We tend to minimize the consequences of giving in to temptation.
- God's Word is your weapon of defense against temptation.
- You are strengthened by the present power of the Holy Spirit.
- Satan is real and wants to destroy you.
- Jesus is real and because of His work we have hope.