Friday, April 30, 2010

G is for Go

An encounter with Jesus is a life-changing experience.  As a result, of our new life in Christ we are expected to "Go & Tell."  This Sunday we will be looking at how Jesus can change a life, even one that appears beyond saving.  If you would like to read ahead the text will be Mark 5:1-20.

See you Sunday!

Picture of the Day (043010)

Sailing toward Charleston on the "Pride."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

20 Things

Today my wife and I celebrate our 20th anniversary.  It is hard to believe that it has been twenty years already.  The time has gone by so fast...

Among other gifts I gave her the following list...

20 Things (I Love About You)
  1. Your passion!
  2. Your love for Jesus
  3. You are a voracious reader
  4.  You love our kids
  5. You teach our kids
  6. Your eyes…your whole face
  7. That you keep it clean
  8. That you are selfless and sacrificial
  9. You are low maintenance…and not clingy
  10. You don’t put on airs
  11. You get over it quickly
  12. You laugh a lot
  13. Your coif is always well organized
  14. Your smile
  15. Your determination
  16. Your competitive spirit
  17. Often right…never in doubt
  18. You are a fanatic fan and great encourager of me…
  19. You have an opinion
  20. You are decisive 
Steph is a great blessing.  It is a great joy to serve and honor her each day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

God, Marriage, & Family Resources

Here are few books to consider in the area of God, Marriage, & Family. 
  • What Did You Expect?  Redeeming the Realities of Marriage, Paul David Tripp
  • God, Marriage, and Family:  Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation, Andreas J. Kostenberger, with David Jones
  • When Sinners Say I Do:  Discovering the Power of the Gospel for Marriage, Dave Harvey
  • This Momentary Marriage:  A Parable of Permanence, John Piper
  •  Family Driven Faith:  Doing What It Takes To Raise Sons And Daughters Who Walk With God, Voddie T. Baucham, Jr.
  •  Intimacy Ignited:  Conversations Couple to Couple, Dr. Joseph and Linda Dillow & Dr. Peter and Lorraine Pintus
  •  Gospel-Powered Parenting:  How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting, William P. Farley
  •  Shepherding A Child’s Heart, Tedd Tripp
  •  Instructing A Child’s Heart, Tedd & Margy Tripp
  •  Teach Them Diligently:  How to Use the Scriptures in Child Training, Lou Priolo
  •  Age of Opportunity:  A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens, Paul David Tripp

G is for Generosity

Have you ever stopped to consider why you give or don't give?  What is your motivation for either?  This Sunday at Explore Church we will be considering what God wants from us.  Be forewarned, it is more than you think!  If you want to read ahead, the text is Luke 21:1-4.

Friday, April 16, 2010

What Did You Expect?

In his new book on marriage, Paul David Tripp offers six valuable commitments for the married couple.

  1. We will give ourselves to a regular lifestyle of confession and forgiveness.
  2. We will make growth and change our daily agenda.
  3. We will work together to build a sturdy bond of trust.
  4. We will commit to building a relationship of love.
  5. We will deal with our differences with appreciation and grace.
  6. We will work to protect our marriage. 
Imagine the impact on our marriages if we were to apply these commitments.  I imagine marriages that flourish and not fail.  I imagine marriages that endure and not decline.  I challenge you to cultivate your marriage relationship today.  Serve and surprise your spouse!

By Example

A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.
                                                          --Steve Jobs

G is for Greed

We look at the dangerous consequences of greed and acts of isolation this week at Explore Church.  Come see why a commitment to church life is so important.

If you would like to read ahead the text will be Joshua 7.

Friday, April 9, 2010

G is for Gratitude

Week 2 of "G" continues this weekend at Explore Church.  If you would like to read ahead, the text will be Luke 19:1-10.

Giving flows from gratitude which flows from grace which is found in the gospel.  It is important to understand the great cost that was paid to restore your standing with your creator.  Without a true understanding of what was given for will have little motivation to give.  Know that giving is an indicator that one has truly been impacted by the gospel.

For what are you grateful?

What opportunities do you have to give to others?

Does your life give evidence that you have encountered the risen Savior?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Good News!

The empty grave is singing now,
it's shouting out,

He is alive,
He is alive!
We are free!

(From Steve Fee's God is Alive)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Our Sacrifice

New Series: "G"

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday!  At Explore Church we will be starting a new series called "G."

The text for tomorrow will be 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 if you want to read ahead.  Come Sunday and learn why the resurrection is so important to the Christian faith.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What Is The Gospel?

For insight into a Biblical understanding of the gospel, I recommend to you Greg Gilbert’s new book, What is the Gospel?  It provides a concise presentation of the gospel that will offer hope to non-believers and serve as a reminder and source of encouragement to believers.

Gilbert presents the gospel around four major points:  God, man, Christ, and response.  He argues that these keys points provide a jumping off place for answers to four crucial questions.

1.     Who made us, and to whom are we accountable?
2.     What is our problem?  In other words, are we in trouble and why?
3.     What is God’s solution to that problem?  How has he acted to save us from it?
4.     How do I—myself, right here, right now—how do I come to be included in that salvation?  What makes this good news for me and not just for someone else?

This outline is valuable in two ways.  First, it makes for a clear and logical flow to the presentation.  Second, it is memorable and thus useful when given the opportunity to share the gospel. 

Finally, it is always good to reread and study the gospel.  It is encouraging!  It is GOOD NEWS!