Romans 14:12 (ESV) 12 So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.
One day each of us will stand face to face with our God and explain why we did what we did…not a comforting thought, at least not for me. As leaders, influencers, we are especially vulnerable. Our words, actions, and attitudes have great consequence and can potentially derail someone’s faith.
In view of the accountability that we will one day have with God, what are you doing today to be accountable with the authority you have been given?
In his book, Minority Report, Carl R. Trueman says: “Accountability is thus crucial in leadership. Choice of advisors and confidantes is critical….If you want to avoid personal moral disaster as a Christian, you need to establish mechanisms of accountability before you think you have any problem; and for leaders this is even more imperative. Being surrounded by yes-men and lackeys might stroke the self-image; but it will do nothing to prevent self-destruction.”
When was the last time someone asked you probing questions about your actions and decision-making that made you uncomfortable? To whom do you answer for your actions and decision-making? Bottom line: Who is holding you accountable?
Andy Stanley says: “As a next generation leader it is incumbent upon you to do all you can now to prepare yourself for your eventual success. Your gifts will open doors. Your character will determine what you do once those doors have opened.”
Explore More:
1. Do you have an accountability team you can trust? Do they mind making you uncomfortable with tough questions that go deeper than sports or weather?
2. How are you being proactive in protecting yourself in areas that you know you are weak?
3. Have you recently done a honest self-examination to considered areas of personal weakness, areas that if you compromised would disqualify you from ministry? Who have you asked for help or accountability in those areas?
4. How are you developing your character so that it will sustain you through future successes?
Lord, help us this day to walk with you. Bless us with godly friends who love us and desire to see us finish well. Help us to be honest with ourselves and sensitive to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Develop our character that we will finish well and hear you say: “WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT.”
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