Today is the 500th birthday of the great reformer John Calvin. His thoughts and writings have had a major impact on the world. As a result of his 500th birthday and the importance of his writings, I have devoted considerable time this year to studying his life and writings. I recommend you do the same. Below are some books that I have found helpful.
Works by Calvin:
- Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion
This two volume work is a systematic theology intended to help new believers better understand their faith. I am reading through this again through out the year. A reading program is available on line entitled "Blogging the Institutes."
- Calvin's Commentaries
This is a massive 22 volume set that includes Calvin's insights and exegetical work on most of the Bible.
- John Calvin's Sermons on Ephesians
- John Calvin's Sermons on Galatians
These titles are self-explanatory.
- John Calvin: A Pilgrim's Life, Herman J. Selderhuis
This biography on Calvin has been my favorite so far.
- John Calvin: and His Passion for the Majesty of God, John Piper
This is a very brief introduction.
- Portrait of Calvin, T. H. L. Parker
This book is highly recommended by John Piper and was his first exposure to John Calvin. The Desiring God website has made a reprint available for a modest price.
- John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor, W. Robert Godfrey
- A Life of John Calvin, Alsiter E. McGrath
Additional Books about Calvin and His Works:
- The Legacy of John Calvin, David W. Hall
- Analysis of the Institutes of the Christian Religion of John Calvin, Ford Lewis Battles
- A Theological Guide to Calvin's Institutes: Essays and Analysis, ed. Hall and Lillback
- Calvin in the Public Square, David W. Hall
- John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, & Doxology, ed. Burk Parsons
Later this year I will do a summary and review of my summer reading, but for now I recommend reading some Calvin.
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