My family and I greatly enjoy reading. Even if my job did not require me to read a lot, I still would. Here is a sampling of what I have going right now.
- Ephesians by Clinton Arnold. Makes sense as I am currently preaching through the book of Ephesians.
- The Pleasures of God by John Piper. I usually have a book by Piper going. I have also recently picked up his new one, Bloodlines.
- Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul David Tripp.
- The Making of a Leader by Robert Clinton. I usually have a leadership book or two going all the time.
- The Great Bridge by David McCullough. Great writer who has twice won the Pulitzer Prize. His biographies on John Adams and Harry Truman are fantastic.
- Building Below the Waterline by Gordon MacDonald. A ministry leadership book.
- Wise Counsel edited by Grant Gordon. This is a collection of letters sent by John Newton, of "Amazing Grace" fame, to encourage and guide a young pastor named John Ryland Jr. The time of the letters is the late 1700s.
- The Christian Ministry by Charles Bridges. Ministry guidance from the 1800s.
- The Captain by Ian O'Connor. This is a baseball book about the Yankees and Derek Jeter. Go Yankees!
- Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath. This is a book about how to better communicate your ideas.
- In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen. This is a brief book that captures some of Nouwen's reflections on leadership. Very good.
- Five Who Changed The World by Danny Akin. Inspiring book about five missionaries who impacted the world. The five are William Carey, Adoniram Judson, Bill Wallace, Lottie Moon, and Jim Elliot. The is a brief book and is well worth the investment of time and money, especially if you are considering how to be on mission for God.
Expand your perspective. Expand your world. READ!!!
I'm currently re-reading "The Wounded Healer" by Henri Nouwen. It's one of my favorites.