Monday, May 30, 2011

Ronald Reagan--Some Observations

While on vacation last week I read a new book about Ronald Reagan titled Rawhide Down: The Near Assassination of Ronald Reagan.  As indicated by the title, this book primarily covers the day in which John Hinckley, Jr attempted to shoot President Reagan.  In author Del Wilber's telling of the events leading up to and around that day, I noted several observations regarding Reagan the man.  I will share them with you here.

  1. He was self-confident.  He was "not bothered by criticism that he was lazy or followed a script crafted by advisors."  He was a secure man.
  2. He was humble.  He was "never overly impressed with himself."
  3. He was a perpetual optimist.  He "did not dwell on the negative."
  4. He was simple, not simplistic.  Being "simple" means being clear as in dealing with the Russians:  "we win; they lose."
  5. He was funny.  He used humor often.
  6. He connected with others using stories.
  7. He had a sense of service.  I think he understood that impact comes through selfless service.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wage Love Recommended Reading

Here are four great books to consider when seeking to resolve relational conflict.

  • God the Peacemaker, Graham A. Cole

  • Resolving Everyday Conflict, Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson

  • Humility, C. J. Mahaney

  • The Peacemaker, Ken Sande

I hope you enjoy these as we closeout this series on conflict resolution.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good Preaching

According to Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears in their book Doctrine, "A good church will always have good preaching."  The preaching will be:

  1. Biblical--focusing on what Scripture says;
  2. Theological--teaching what Scripture means;
  3. Memorable--practically speaking to the lives and culture of people;
  4. Transformational--leading to repentance, response, and spiritual maturity;
  5. Missional--explaining why this matters for the mission of God and the salvation of lost people; and,
  6. Christological--showing how Jesus is the hero-savior.
Recommended Reading:

Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe

Tornadoes and the Trustworthiness of God

Here are some good points about the recent storms we encountered.

Tornadoes and the Trustworthiness of God

Monday, May 2, 2011