Saturday, March 9, 2013

Certain People

In his book, A Resilient Life, Gordon MacDonald speaks of the happy few that enrich our lives.  Quoting Edward Farrell he writes: "There are certain people...[who] enable us to be as we have never been before."

MacDonald asks the following questions to help us discover and think on who makes up our "happy few," our band of brothers.

  1. Who coaches you?
  2. Who stretches your mind?
  3. Who listens to and encourages your dreams?
  4. Who will protect you?
  5. Who are those who will share your tears?
  6. Who rebukes you?
  7. Who among your happy few plays with you?
  8. Who is it that seeks after God with you?
I have been greatly blessed to have people in my life to serve in all these areas.  I hope you do as well.