Thursday, February 28, 2019

Anger & Actions

Romans 3:15-17

Sin expressed through a bitter tongue (Romans 3:13-14) builds to violence.  The result is "shed blood, " and "ruin and misery."  Paul is not referring to how we feel, but on the misery and destruction that we bring to others.

Tim Keller asks:  "Why do we become angry with people?"  He writes:  "Because they have blocked us from access to an idol--they have compromised our comfort, or prevented a promotion, or made us feel our of control, or are enjoying a relationship we feel we need."

As a result, we go on the warpath.

Romans 3:18

Thomas Schreiner believes that sin at its heart decenters rejects God's rule over our lives.

How do your actions reflect a threat to your idols?

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Power of Words

Romans 3:13-14

Proverbs 18:21; Matthew 12:34; James 3:8

Our words are powerful and do much evil when our hearts are dark.  With our words we can deceive, curse, and slander.

Everyone wants to get their way and when they don't, everyone hears about it!!!

Are you wise with your words?  What do your words reveal about your heart?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Miracle of Desire

Romans 3:10-12

The interest of the sinner is not towards God.

In verse 12, "turned aside" often indicates deliberate avoidance. 

Mankind is totally depraved.  This does not mean that people are incapable of doing something good.  It means that they are incapable of keeping God's standard and saving themselves.

If a person shows any indication towards God, it is the "miracle of desire" at work.  On our own, we do not pursue God unless He stirs us first.

Monday, February 25, 2019


Romans 3:2...

To "entrust" is to give responsibility for something.

N. T. Wright:  '"The point about being 'entrusted' is that the thing that's been given to you isn't actually for you; it's for the person to whom you are suppose to deliver it."'

Christ-followers are entrusted and commissioned with the Gospel.  They have a responsibility to proclaim the news on all occasions!

Consider Colossians 4:2-6 and be on the lookout for opportunities to proclaim the Gospel!