Monday, January 31, 2011

Words Gone Public

We live in a time when anyone can publish their thoughts.  In the push of a button, our words and sentiments can go public.  But is this a good thing?  Well, it you give much thought about the impact of your words before you shoot them out into the cyber-world like an arrow?  The Bible teaches us that words have the power of life and death.  With that kind of impact, perhaps we should carefully consider our words before allowing them to go public.

With that in mind, I give you the following thoughts on social networks and media, specifically blogging, Tweeter, and Facebook.

  1. They are spiritually and theologically neutral.
  2. They can be used for either good or evil.  Remember, words have the power of life and death...and you will have to give an account for every word you utter and put in print (see Matthew 12:36-37).  Thus, communicate wisely.
  3. They are tools.  Redeem them for good.  Glorify God with your words.  (Mark Driscoll, when considering various elements of culture, says we can reject, receive, or redeem it.  Here is an opportunity to use something neutral for good).
  4. Leverage tools and technology to influence others for good (see Ephesians 4:25-32).  Encourage, inspire, and bring hope with your ability to communicate.  
  5. Once you have said it, sent it, posted it, is out there.  Remember--"Just because you can doesn't mean you should."
  6. Gospel others as much as possible!  Bring good news when ever possible.  You need it and others need it as well.
  7. Follow the advice of James:  "be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger."  When angry or upset--take time to PAUSE before sending or saying something stupid and damaging.
It is easy to go public with your words...harder, yet wiser, is to hold your tongue, limit your rants, and speak words of life.

Are you leaving a Godly legacy with your words?  Are you ready to give an account for what you have said today?

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